All the picture s are from dona-anita blog.
28 August 2009
Fabulous embroidery
All the picture s are from dona-anita blog.
27 August 2009
Thursday bread
The napkin is, by the way, the result of the previous weekend in the Netherlands. The napkin itself comes from Dille en Kamille, I only had to add a crochet edging.
Rye bread is the most difficult to bake I think. It's structure is too thick and wet, and you have always a risk that it will ot rise properly. Luckily for me, this time it's turned out quite well.
I also managed to bake a plum crumble cake. It was delicious! It didn't last long though. We managed to eat it in 2 days. And now all I have left are the memories...
I love baking! And as you hae noticed, I am quite proud with my napkin.
26 August 2009
Or for those among us who is already preparing for the Christmas Holidays Giftmaking:
They are so cute! I would buy all of them if not the price. Let's be honest - they are not cheap. But I must agree, they have a huge choice and ,anyway, I won't find these kind of things here in Belgium in a regular shop.
This is also a useful way to reduce your scrap stash:
I bought two pillow cases which were too big for my pillows but also too cheap to let them go. So I had to make them smaller, which left me with two pieces of fabric I could you use for another pair of pillow cases. I also had some white cotton fabric stashed at home. One hour of measuring, cutting and sewing (yes, I know, I am a slow one ;-) - and voila, I have two extras! I believe this kind of things are always useful and welcome in every housekeeping.
25 August 2009
It's pumpkin time!
Just look at all these tasty things - don't you feel urged to rush into the supermarket for the ingredients?
I have picked a couple of recipes for myself to try out this autumn. I want to start using pumpkin a bit more in my cooking and baking. It's such a terrific vegetable and it suits autumn cuisine so well!
And what do you think about these marvelous butternut muffins from J. Oliver? I am definitely going to try this! And here you see the result of it:
Right, do you recognise the granny blocks?
Nice colour matching, don't you think?..
19 August 2009
Little garden
You try to make the best of what you do have:
And enjoy the result!
18 August 2009
Wednesday bread
It turned out quite nicely, the rising process went well. Buckwheat flour is much more difficult to work with than plain white wheat flour, it's heavier (like rye flour). But the taste is unforgettable. You should really try it, just mind your blend proportions!
17 August 2009
No time to waste
When did I do some sport the last time??? I just honestly do not have time for it. Really, it's not one of those lazy excuses, it's really true!
I work 5 days a week, during the summer months we are away every weekend (normally we leave on Friday evening when I am back from work) to enjoy good weather. Three evenings are occupied: Tuesday and Thursday evening I go to the puppy school with my dog (to learn him some manners), Wednesday I have a student, who is following Russian language by me.
So there is Monday evening left, when I try to do some sewing, cooking, baking, washing, ironing...And the rest of the week I also have to cook in the evenings to do some domestic stuff and a bit of knitting/sewing/crocheting.
In the mornings I need about 20 min for my routine: cold quick shower and then my oil treatment stuff. I try to use natural cosmetics lately: I have a blend of natural oils with a mix of EO for my face and body, and I use vinegar-water-hydrolats-EO blend as tonic:
Soothing face tonicum
- 20 ml distilled water;
- 1 tea spoon vinegar
- 3 drops of EO lavender + 2 drops EO camomille
Dissolve EO first in 1 teaspoon of vinegar and let this blend stay for a couple of days in a dark cool place. Shke well twice a day.
Then add the EO+vinegar blend to the water, shake well and use as tonicum for your face. Please shake well every time before use.
After my cold shower I rush to let Felix out, as he is still to young to be able to wait long for a walk. It takes me another 15 minutes.
Then it's breakfast time. I eat a lot in the mornings, as I am really hungry at that time of the day. I start with some fruit and a cup of tea, and then move to sandwiches with homemade bread. This takes me about 1/2 hour.
Then doing the dishes, cleaning a bit up, dressing, feeding the dog and then again a short walk with Felix. Another 30 minutes are over.
I used to practice yoga in the mornings, but if I still want to do it, i have to get up at 5.30 which I just can't. It's too early for me. I never manage to get in bed before 24.00, so 5 1/2 hours of sleep simply won't do.
And the crafting - I LOVE it, but I don't have enough time to realise all the projects. How do you guys manage it all?
Well, anyway, enough complaining. My knitting project is going quite well, I enjoy the colour and the rough structure of the yarn. I think I'll buy more of this yarn when I go to Russia in september. It even smells like sheep a bit... or is it just my imagination?
I wish you all a very creative Monday!
13 August 2009
Wednesday bread
Yesterday I started this project. I am using 100% sheep wool in natural colour from Russian TroitskWorsted factory.
A couple of months ago I managed to buy 2 pieces of pleated fabric to make 2 skirts. I think they will look nice and a bit folklore with this cape.
11 August 2009
Felix and cow -ow - wow!
Hey, you have a wet nose!
After such an experience he managed to eat a couple of fresh raw oysters and then fell in a deep sleep. Cute !
Have a nice day!
4 August 2009
Wednesday bread
Meanwhile, we are enjoying it the way it is!
Have a nice day.
2 August 2009
Rainy Sunday
No luck for us this time. It's raining every 5 minutes, and it looks all so grey and sad. The only good thing is that it's not so cold. Rain, rain, rain...
Look how fast I can run!
The water is so cold!
How long do I have to wit for you?
I like my ball! It's big..........!