7 March 2010

Oat cookies

Oh dear, it was a busy day! Don't remember if I have already mentioned it but I am dancing flamenco and our school gives a show every year in Antwerp. This time it will be on 13th en 14th of March, which means that today I have had a rehearsal in the city. Not a big deal to be honest, we don't really have to do our dance but just to stand for a couple of minutes at the podium to memorise the exact place for the big event. Fleur was with me today. She was really great, she stayed in her bag all the time without making any sound. I am quite proud of her actually...
But before going to the repetition I had to clean up first at home, windows including cause they really look out like mess. Finally we have some sun here in Belgium, which is nice, very nice, honestly. But the same nice sun seems to figure out all the places in my appartement which do not look all that clean and tidy and to lighten them up for me.

Well this post is not about me being all that busy all the time. In fact I wanted to share with you a very nice oat cookies recipe which was posted at Attic24 a couple of days ago. You can find the English version of it at Attic24 blog, here I am just giving a translation into Russian so that my mum can make them too:
Овсяное печенье

100 гр маргарина
50 гр коричневого сахара
2 ст л меда

Все ингридиенты растопить на водяной бане, тщательно перемешать.
100 гр муки для выпечки ( обязательно добавить пекарный порошок)
100 гр овсяных хлопьев
50 гр суховруктов, орехов и тп

Перемешать все тщательно вместе с растопленной смесью. Смазать противень маслом. Столовой ложкой выложить массу, каждый раз немного ее придавливая. Выпекать 12-15 мин при температуре 180 градусов. Печеньки должны подрумяниться.

Here is the result of my Saturday baking.

The flowers I used for the photoshoot I have found in the park during one of my morning walks with the doggies. Have no idea what they are called... maybe you have a tip...?

For the resta I am still studying hard as you can see:

And I am trying to not put aside all my crafty hobbies:

Have a very nice and productive week guys. Hope to see you all very soon again.


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